Post-lockdown team reset

Zoomed Out?

We have become accustomed to our new ‘cyber reality’, collaborating remotely with our leadership teams on Zoom or MS-teams. Great that we have the technology to keep us connected in a lockdown scenario, but the unseen losses within teams going for months without real life contact will become apparent. Whilst online tools are great for operational efficiency, they cannot replace the subtle but crucial exchanges of our physical connection, whether it’s feelings of belonging, joy, stress or other forms of energy-exchange. Imbalances on an inter-personal level are easier left to the side in an online reality and so we see synergy levels drop over time. Regenerative and innovative elements such as visioning and creative play are much harder without in-person contact and connection, as nuances of connectivity are limited through format.

That’s why I’m offering a post-lockdown team reset: A one or two-day team offsite in the countryside, where we can re-focus your common vision whilst re-aligning the group energy and rejuvenate the inter-personal connections. I invite you and your team to retreat in my barn and grounds in the countryside, an hour outside London. Here you can safely come together in compliance with the social distancing measures, allowing yourself an invigorating team reset, boosting the synergetic potential and creativity that resides in the interconnectedness of your team.